Advanced Edit
Advanced Edit
The Advanced Edit allows you to perform batch operations on pattern and automation data, like transposing notes, remapping instrument numbers, interpolating effect command values and much more. If you haven't seen the Advanced Editor so far, you can make it visible by clicking on the File:Vvoois renoise advanced edit toggle.png -button on the top right of the pattern editor:
File:Vvoois renoise advanced edit.png
The Advanced Edit has multiple sections. Most of them can be hidden, because not all of them do apply at once. Instead, each of them deals with a special topic, which part of the song data you want to modify.
Processing Scopes
First you do need to set up where and what you would like to process. This is done with the Selection type and mask settings:
Section to Process
This section is always visible because it applies to all other sections below. This is where you set up which part of the song you would like to modify:
- Selection: Perform actions on whats currently selected in the Pattern Editor
- Column in Pattern: Perform actions on the note or effect column the Pattern Editors cursor currently is placed on, Perform actions on the currently visible pattern only
- Column in song: Perform actions on the current note or effect column in the whole song, in all patterns
- Track in pattern: Perform actions on the whole track (all columns) in the currently selected pattern
- Track in song: Perform actions on whole track in all patterns
- Whole pattern: Perform actions on the whole pattern
- Whole song: Perform actions on the whole song, all columns, all tracks and all pattenrs.
Content Mask
File:Vvoois renoise advanced edit ps cm.png
Under the selection mask you will see the content mask. Here you do specify what should be processed or which type of data should be ignored:
- Notes: Apply processing (Cut, Copy, Paste, Flip) on note sub columns in note columns
- Instrument: Apply processing (Cut, Copy, Paste, Flip) on instrument sub columns in note columns
- Volume: Apply processing (Cut, Copy, Paste, Flip, Interpolate and Modify) on volume sub columns in note columns
- Panning: Apply processing (Cut, Copy, Paste, Flip, Interpolate and Modify) on panning sub columns in note columns
- Delay: Apply processing (Cut, Copy, Paste, Flip, Interpolate and Modify) on delay sub columns in note columns
- Effect Number: Apply processing (Cut, Copy, Paste, Flip) on effect numbers in the the effect columns
- Effect Value: Apply processing (Cut, Copy, Paste, Flip, Interpolate and Modify) on effect values in the effect columns
- Automation: Apply processing on graphical Automation attached with the pattern tracks.
Copy/pasting automation in general only works when copying patterns or tracks. Pasting selections wil always exclude automation.
- Left clicking on the individual checkbox enables / disables a mask.
- Right clicking enables a mask, but disables all other masks (solo).
Performing Actions
All panels below the content mask and selection allow you to do something with the content you've specified above:
File:Vvoois renoise advanced edit basicp.png
- Cut: Copy content into the pattern editors clipboard, the delete the content. Ot all selections do have clipboards. The Cut button will then change to Delete.
- Copy: Copies the selected content into the clipboard. Not availabel for all selections
- Paste: Pastes previously copied content.
- Flip: Reverse the content in place i nthe timeline (starting content will get ending content)-. When applying this on selections which cover more than one pattern, patterns will be flipped one by one.
- Shrink: Half the checked contents time, make a content play twice as fast as before.
- Expand: Double the checked contents time, make a content play twice as fast as before. This is especially usefull when douling the Lines Per Beat value to add more resultution to your songs notation. If you would only double the LPB without expanding the content, the song would simply play twice as fast as before.
Mix-Paste: When pasting with mix-paste is enabled, empty notes, insturments, effects and so on are not copied. This way you can merge the existing content with the one from the clipboard.
Modifying Notes
The next panel applies to note values only or entier note coiumns (Note, Insturment, Volume, Pan and Delay):
File:Vvoois renoise advanced edit ap transnotes.png
- Safe Mode: Applies transpose settings only when the target note range falls within the available octave scopes. If notes would cross this border (e.g. a C-10 or a B—1, which do not exist) the transpose is not executed at all. If safe mode is turned off, all notes that can be transposed will be and the ones that fall outside the octave scope will have either the highest note-value or the lowest (depending upon transposing up or down)
- Apply to: Source instrument number, “all” indicates all (in range selected) instruments are affected.
- Transpose: Either transpose one semitone up or done or transpose a whole octave up or down (+12 / −12)
- Mirror at: {Center-Note} - mirrors every note positive from the Base Note to the same position on the negative side of the Base Note and vice-versa.
- Preserve Lengths When using the quantize function, note-offs will not be quantized but remain on their positions.
- Quantize: Quantizes notes to the given subline factor set. (100 hexidecimal sublines which means each note is being restructured to reside to the nearest full row according to their current position and their current subline delay-amount)
- Nudge up/down Moves notes xx sublines up or down 100 sublines is one full row.
Modifying Instruments
File:Vvoois renoise advanced edit ap transins.s.png
- Src instr.: Source instrument number in the Section to Process.
- Dest. Instr.: Destination instrument number in the Section to Process
- Swap: Swap source and destination instrument, exchanges the two instrument numbers between each other within the Selected Section.
- Remap: Remap source instrument to destination instrument— All existing notes within the Selected Section playing source instruments will be remapped to play the target instrument instead.
- Delete: All notes playing source instruments will be erased from the Section to Process.
Modifying Effects
File:Vvoois renoise advanced edit ap transform.png
Let you eithr fill in missing values, create fades (interpolate) values for a given effect, or applies mathimatical operations on effect values (multiply, divide, sub, add, randomize and humanize).
Suppose you want to do a volume fade in a track between pattern line 00 and pattern line 64. Now you can, of course, type in manually all the values on each line in either the effect column or the volume column of the subtrack you want to fade. Instead of doing this, you can set the initial value on line 00 and the closing value at line 64. Then you either select the column from start- to end-value (if line 64 isn’t your last line) and set the Selection radio-button of the Section to Process, or just set the Section to Process to column followed by selecting any of these buttons in the value-generation part of the panel:
- Lin - Create a lineary range from start to end
- Log - Create a logarithmic range from start to end
- Exp - Create an exponential range from start to end.
File:Vvoois renoise advanced edit ap transform asmh.png
- Set - Set all values in the pan/vol/del/effect columns to the given value in the currently Selected Section
- Add - Add divided value to the pan/vol/del/effect values in the currently Selected Section
- Sub - Subtract divided value to the pan/vol/del/effect values in the currently Selected Section
- Mul - Multiply divided value to the pan/vol/del/effect values in the currently Selected Section
- Div - Divide divided value to the pan/vol/del/effect values in the currently Selected Section
- Humanize - Take a random value in the range of 1 - divided value, and add or subtract this from the current pan/vol/del/effect values in the currently Selected Section.
The modifier value (2.00 in the example) apply to the values and ranges within the Section to Process policy. The value to be modified is determined by the calculation output from the ratio of this value. You can double click to manually set a figure or click and drag up/down to quickly change the value in steps.
- Apply - Apply all current values.
Advanced Edit and Pattern Editor Interaction
Content Mask settings in the Advanced Editor also apply to the Pattern Editors regular Cut / Copy / Paste and Flip commands. Same is true for the mix-paste option. This way you can quickly use the Pattern Editors shortcuts as usual in new fashions. If you for example don't want to Copy / Paste automation along with patterns in a session,you can simply do this this way.
Drag-and-Drop of selections in the Pattern Editor and all operations in the Pattern Matrix will not use any Advanced Edit options.